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香格里拉酒店集团是全球知名的豪华酒店企业。其旗下的今旅酒店(Hotel Jen)在亚洲多个地区及城市开设中端等级酒店,其中包括了此次与洁福地板合作的位于马来西亚槟城的四星级今旅酒店。
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a famous luxury hotel group. Its Hotel Jen brand operates mid-range hotels across lots of locations in Asia, including the 4 star Hotel Jen in Penang, Malaysia. 
这家于近期开业的槟城今旅酒店位于槟城设施完善,人口密集的首府乔治市(Geroge Town)。洁福PVC地板非常荣幸参与了此次令人赏心悦目的酒店地面材料铺设项目。
This Hotel Jen Penang, located in the heart of Penang’s vibrant and bustling George Town, Malaysia, recently opened its facilities. Gerflor proudly joined the project, with stunning results.
槟城今旅酒店安装了12,000平米的洁福PVC地板 高级装饰块材(LVT) – Creation 30 & 55系列产品。酒店的客房铺装了Creation 30地板,以Tarafoam泡沫层为背底。为住客们提供了一个舒适又美观的私人空间。Creation 55地板则大面积的铺设在了公共区域,如走廊、大厅,甚至是电梯里。
12,000m2 of LVT - CREATION 30 & 55 - have been installed in the hotel. In the guestrooms, CREATION 30 with Tarafoam layer was used, providing design and comfort to guests; and CREATION 55 was used in common areas such as corridors, lobby even in the lift.
酒店的设计师利用洁福PVC地板 Creation系列产品源于自然,逼真又具有设计感的木纹设计,运用不同的形状切割,创造出了一个独特的地面装饰设计,与酒店的个性化风格以及当地淳朴的文化不谋而合。
The architect used the variety of realistic designs and colors offered by Gerflor’s Creation range to create a unique look that fits perfectly well to the hotel personality and location. 
Lots of cutting and workmanship were required by the installer to achieve this project, and the result is definitely worth it!